hacer expressions
comparatives and superlatives
definite articles
demonstrative adjectives
demonstrative pronouns
direct and indirect object pronouns
double object pronouns
hacer expressions
noun suffix
passive voice
personal pronouns
por and para
possessive adjectives
possessive pronouns
present tense
preterite tense
ques expressions
reflexive verbs
relative pronouns
subject pronouns
present subjunctive
tener expressions


In English, the phrase for + measurable time (five minutes, two years,etc.) is used to express the amount of time during which an action has been taking place: I've been studying for two hours. In Spanish, the third person singular hace is used with expressions of measurable time: hace cinco minutos, for five minutes.
Hace un año que vivimos en California. We've been living in California for a year.
Hace cinco años que no veo a Juanita. I haven't seen Juanita for five years
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que viven ustedes en Hawaii? How long have you been living in Hawaii?
¿Cuántos años hace que estudias francés? How many years have you been studying French?
Hacía + measurable time is used with the imperfect tense to describe an action that began in the past and is still happening in the past.
Hacía mucho tiempo que Jorge no nadaba. Jorge hadn't been swimming for a long time.
Hacía una hora que dormíamos. We had been sleeping for an hour.
¿Cuánto tiempo hacía que ustedes tocaban el piano juntos? How long had you been playing the piano together?
When the preterite tense is used with the hace + time construction, the meaning is (measurable time) ago. Note that hace + time follows the main clause. Therefore the connective que is not needed.
Viví en San Diego hace dos años. I lived in San Diego two years ago.
Se descompuso el coche hace mucho tiempo. The car broke down a long time ago.
Todo eso pasó hace siglos. All that happened centuries ago.
The verb hacer is used to discuss the weather.
¿Qué tiempo hace? How's the weather?
Hace frío, calor, sol, viento, fresco. It's cold, hot, sunny, windy, cool.
¿Hace buen tiempo? ¿Hace mal tiempo? Is the weather good? Is the weather bad?
Hace buen tiempo. Hace mal tiempo. The weather's good. The weather's bad.

Other expressions with hacer.

hacer una pregunta. To ask a question.
Los estudiantes me hicieron una buena pregunta. The students asked me a good question.
hacer la maleta. To pack a suitcase.
Tenemos que hacer las maletas. We have to pack the suitcases.


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Jaime El Sabio