comparatives and superlatives
definite articles
demonstrative adjectives
demonstrative pronouns
direct and indirect object pronouns
double object pronouns
hacer expressions
noun suffix
passive voice
personal pronouns
por and para
possessive adjectives
possessive pronouns
present tense
preterite tense
ques expressions
reflexive verbs
relative pronouns
subject pronouns
present subjunctive
tener expressions


In English, the comparative and the superlative are formed by adding the endings -er and -est to the adjective. In Spanish, the comparative is formed by placing más (more), or menos (less), before the adjective. The superlative is formed by using the definite article el, los, la, las, or the possessive adjective before the noun, followed by más + adjective: el ... más hermoso, la ... más hermosa.



un hombre alto un hombre más alto el hombre más alto
a tall man a taller man the tallest man
una mujer flaca una mujer más flaca la mujer más flaca
a thin woman a thinner woman the thinnest woman
los libros caros unos libros más caros los libros más caros
the costly books some more costly books the costliest books
las tazas nuevas unas tazas más nuevos las tazas más nuevos
the new cups some newer cups the newest cups
mis tazas nuevas   mis tazas más nuevas
my new cups   my newest cups

Irregular forms

bueno mejor el, la mejor; los, las mejores
good better the best
malo peor el, la peor; los, las peores
bad worse the worst
grande mayor el, la mayor; los, las mayores
big, great greater, older the greatest, oldest
pequeño menor el, la menor; los, las menores
small lesser, younger the least, youngest
The phrases más ... que, más ... de (more ... than), and menos ... que, menos de (less ... than), are used to compare one adjective to another.
Juan es alto. John is tall.
Juan es más alto que María. John is taller than Mary.
Juan es el estudiante más alto de la clase. John is the tallest student in the class.
Más de, menos de are used with numbers in an affirmative statement. If the statement is negative, however, más que is used.
Tengo más de diez dólares. I have more than 10 dollars.
No tengo más que diez dólares. I have no more than 10 dollars.
  I have only 10 dollars.
The subject pronouns are used in the comparative form.
Alicia es menos alta que tú. Alicia is shorter than you.
Yo estoy más preocupada que él. I am more worried than he.
In English, as ... as is used to compare two characteristics that are equal. In Spanish, tan ... como is used to express two equal qualities.
Ricardo es tan rico como María. Ricardo is as rich as María.
Alda es tan alta como José. Alda is as tall as José.
Las muchachas están tan cansadas como los muchachos. The girls are as tired as the boys.
In English, as much ... as or as many ... as is used to compare two equal quantities to each other. In Spanish, tanto (-a,-os,-as) ... como, is used to compare one noun of equal quantity to another. Since tanto modifies the noun it procedes, it functions as an adjective and must change its form according to the number and gender of the noun it modifies.
Compro tantos libros como mi hermano. I buy as many books as my brother.
Yo como tanta ensalada como tú. I eat as much salad as you.
Los niños duermen tantas horas como las niñas. The little boys sleep as many hours as the little girls.
¿Cuánta ensalada comes? How much salad do you eat?
Como tanta como tú. I eat as much as you.
¿Cuántos libros compras? How many books do you buy?
Compro tantos como mi hermano. I buy as many as my brother.


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Jaime El Sabio